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Teaching experience

- Practical on conservation biology « Conservation of populations », master students (48 hours)

- Practical in statistics « Treatment of biological data », undergraduate students (20 hours)

- Practical in plant biology « Plant diversity », undergratuate students (24 hours)

- Practical in animal behaviour  « Animal behaviour », undergraduate students (14 hours)

- Doctoral level courses in biostatistics for SEVAB doctoral school « Statistic basis for research » (24 hours)

- Undergraduate student guidance in biostatistic (10 hours)

2014 : Laure Geidel, Master 1 Biologie des organismes et des populations, université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III. «Néophobie, sélection de l'habitat et dispersion chez le Chevreuil européen »

Co-supervisor: Mark Hewison


2013 : Claire Francesconi, Master 1 STS-ETEC Biologie des organismes et des populations, université de Bourgogne. «  Roe deer in the wild: personality and human perturbations »

Co-supervisor: Mark Hewison & Chloé Monestier


            Ophélie Couriot, Master 1 Biologie des organismes et des populations, université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III. « Trade-off between risks and resources – impact of the landscape of fear on vigilance behaviour in roe deer »

Co-supervisor: Mark Hewison& Chloé Monestier


2012 : Léa Fontaine, Master 1 Biologie Ecologie et Evolution, université de Montpellier II. «Personality and dispersal behaviour in roe deer »

Co-supervisor: Mark Hewison & Nadège Bonnot


2011 : Hélène Dupuy, Licence 3 Biologie des organismes et des populations, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III. « Roe deer personality in a wild population, a field study »

Co-supervisor: Mark Hewison & Nadège Bonnot


2010 : Marjorie Battude, Master 1 Biologie Ecologie et Evolution, université de Montpellier II. « The study of personality in a natural roe deer population »

Co-supervisor: Mark Hewison & Nadège Bonnot



Teaching at Toulouse University

Assistant supervisor of student at CEFS lab

Teaching at Toulouse University

Teaching at the University of Oslo

- Lecture in ecology« Mammalogy », undergraduate students (4 h)
- Two one-week field trips, undergraduate students
- Lecture in ecology« Predation », undergraduate students (2 h)
- Practical « Mammalogy», undergraduate students (4 h)
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