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Lucie Debeffe

Address: 110 avenue Jules Julien 31400 Toulouse France



Research gate profile:

Google scholar citations:

Work experience

Research at the Laboratoire de Biométrie et Ecologie Evolutive (LBBE), Université de Lyon I, funded by the ANR RPDOC grant to Cécile Vanpé

"Roe deer personality traits in three natural populations"

Advisor: Cécile Vanpé, Jean-Michel Gaillard & Mark Hewison

Post-doctoral Fellow

​March 2013 - December 2013






Word, Excel, Powerpoint

R programming

SIG (ArcView)


Genetix, Structure

Wildlife tracking (VHF)

2010 - present

2010 - present

Ph.D. in behavioural ecology, University of Toulouse

​November 2009 - February 2013

Research at the laboratory Wildlife Behaviour and Ecology (Comportement et Ecologie de la Faune Sauvage CEFS-INRA)

Teaching activities at the Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III (around 120h)

​« Roe deer Capreolus capreolus natal and breeding dispersal in a heterogeneous landscape »

Supervisor: Mark Hewison & Richard Bon


​2009 - 2013     Ph.D. in behavioural ecology, University of Toulouse
​2008 - 2009    MSc. degree BSM "Biostatistique et Modélisation", University of Toulouse (with honours "B")
​2006 - 2008    MSc. degree BEE "Biologie et Ecologie Evolutive", University of Toulouse (with honours "AB")
​2005 - 2006    BSc. degree in Biology of Organism, Université de Savoie (with honours "B")
​2003 - 2005    DEUG in Biology of Organism, Université du Sud, Toulon Var (with honours "B")

Driving licence (2004)

Trained in First Aid CPR-C and AED (St. John Ambulance, 2016) 

Post-doctoral Fellow

​July 2014 - June 2016

Research at the Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan
112 Science Place, Saskatoon SK  S7N 5E2, Canada

"Sable Island feral horses behaviour"

Advisor: Philip McLoughlin

Researcher associate

January 2018 - Present

Research at the Department of Bioscience, University of Oslo

Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES)

"Climate effects on harvested large mammal populations"

Advisor: Atle Mysterud

Post-doctoral Fellow

October 2016 - December 2017

Research at the laboratory Wildlife Behaviour and Ecology (Comportement et Ecologie de la Faune Sauvage CEFS-INRA)

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