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- 33rd IUGB meeting, August 2017, Montpellier, France (oral communication)
- Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution annual meeting, July 2016, St John’s, Canada (oral communication)
- 12th Ecology and Behaviour meeting, June 2016, Lyon, France (oral communication)
- Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution annual meeting, May 2015, Saskatoon, Canada (oral communication)
- 11th Ecology and Behaviour meeting, May 2015, Toulouse, France. (oral communication)
- BES-SFE Joint Annual Meeting, December 2014, Lille, France. (oral communication)
- Movement and Dispersal conference, November 2013, Aberdeen, Scotland. (oral communication)
- MOVE meeting, October 2012 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. (oral communication)
- Dispersal meeting, October 2012, Moulis, France. (oral communication)
- The 14th International Behavioral Ecology Congress, August 2012, Lund, Sweden. (oral communication)
- 8th Ecology & Behaviour meeting, April 2012, Chizé, France. (oral communication)
- VIth European Congress of Mammalogy, July 2011, Paris, France. (oral communication)
- Xth Roe deer meeting, June 2011, Srni, Czech Republic. (oral communication)
- IXth Roe deer meeting, July 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland (Poster presentation)
- XIIth International Behavioral Ecology Congress, August 2008, Ithaca, USA (oral communication)


​International conferences
- Cargnelutti, B., L. Debeffe, N. Morellet. 2014. Contributions des GPS et du SIG pour l’étude du comportement animal : illustration avec l’étude de la dispersion natale du jeune chevreuil en agro-écosystème. Numéro spécial Cahier des Techniques INRA 2014: 159-165.
- Debeffe, L. 2013. La dispersion chez le Chevreuil européen Capreolus capreolus dans un paysage hétérogène. Ph.D. dissertation. Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France.
- Debeffe, L. 2013. Vers une dispersion de reproduction chez le chevreuil : comportement
d'excursion des femelles pendant le rut. Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage,
Réseau ongulés sauvages Lettre d’information 17: 15-16

- Debeffe, L. 2010. La dispersion natale chez le chevreuil en milieu fragmenté: Choix du
domaine d’installation. Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage, Réseau ongulés
sauvages Lettre d’information 14: 12-13
- Debeffe, L. 2009. Evaluating wolf and fox impact on a two ungulates system in north Apennine (Toscana, Italia). Master dissertation. Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France.
- Debeffe, L. 2008. La dispersion natale du chevreuil européen dans un paysage fragmenté. Master dissertation. Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France.

Other publications​

​Peer reviewed publications

- McLoughlin P.D., L. Debeffe and A. Arsenault. Anthropogenic disturbance in the Canadian boreal forest: a critical review of influences on woodland caribou and their predators. Submitted to Wildlife Monograph (August 2016).

Debeffe, L., I.M. Rivrud, E. Meisinget, A. Mysterud. Sex-specific differences in spring and fall migration in a northern large herbivore. Submitted to Journal of Animal Ecology (December 2017)



[18] Debeffe, L., I.M. Rivrud, Ø. Brekkun, E. Meisinget, A. Mysterud. 2017. Implications of the forage maturation hypothesis for activity of partially migratory male and female deer. Ecosphere 8(12): e02050.
[17] Debeffe L., J. Poissant and P.D. McLoughlin. 2017. Individual quality and sex ratio modulate the cost of reproduction in a polygynous mammal. Ecology and Evolution 7: 5580-5591.
[16] Cabrera D., D. Andres, L. Debeffe, S. A. Medill, A. Wilson, P.D. Mcloughlin and J. Poissant. 2017. Repeatability of flight response and habituation in Sable Island foals. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95 (10): 771-778.
[15] Bonnot N., A. J. M. Hewison, N. Morellet, J. M. Gaillard, L. Debeffe, O. Couriot, B. Cargnelutti, Y. Chaval, B. Lourtet, P. Kjellander and C. Vanpé. 2017. Stick or twist: roe deer adjust their flight behaviour to the perceived trade-off between risk and reward. Animal Behaviour, 124: 35-46.
[14] Monestier C., E. Gilot-Fromont, N. Morellet, L. Debeffe, N. Cebe, J. Merlet, D. Picot, J.L. Rames, A.J.M. Hewison; H Verheyden. 2016. Consistent individual’s behavioral response during an acute stress in a large ungulate. Behavioural Processes, 132: 22-28.
[13] Vanpé C., L. Debeffe, M. Galan, A.J.M. Hewison, J.M. Gaillard, E. Gilot-Fromont, N. Morellet, J.F. Cosson, M. Jégo,  B. Cargnelutti, J. Merlet, E. Quéméré. 2016. Immune gene variability influences roe deer natal dispersal. Oïkos, 125 (12): 1790–1801.
[12] McLoughlin P.D., L. Kenton, L. Debeffe, T. Perry and K. Hobson. 2016. Density-dependent resource selection by a terrestrial herbivore in response to sea-to-land nutrient transfer by seals. Ecology, 97 (8): 1929-1937.
[11] Cote J., G. Bocedi, L. Debeffe, M. E. ChudziÅ„ska, H. Weigang, C. Dytham, G. Gonzalez, E. Matthysen, J. Travis, M. Baguette and A.J.M. Hewison. 2016. Behavioral synchronization of large-scale animal movements – disperse alone, but migrate together? Biological Reviews Published online 6 May 2016.
[10] Debeffe L., P.D. McLoughlin, S.A. Medill, K. Stewart, D. Andres, T. Shury, B. Wagner, E. Jenkins, J.S. Gilleard and J. Poissant. 2016. Negative covariance between parasite load and body condition in a population of feral horses. Parasitology, 143 (8): 983–997.




[9] Debeffe L.,  J.F. Lemaitre, U. Alm Bergvall, A.J.M. Hewison, P. Kjellander, J.M. Gaillard, N. Morellet, C. Monestier, M. David and C. Vanpé. 2015. Short- and long-term consistency of docility in the roe deer: sex and age matter. Animal Behaviour, 109:53-63.


[8] Debeffe L., S. A. Medill, E. Richard, J. Weisgerber, P.D. McLoughlin. 2015. Costs of social dispersal in a polygynous mammal. Behavioral Ecology, 26 (6): 1476-1485.


[7] Vanpé C., L. Debeffe, A.J.M. Hewison, E. Quéméré, J.F. Lemaitre, M. Galan, F. Klein, B. Cargnelutti, G. Capron, J. Merlet, C. Warnant and J.M. Gaillard. 2015. Reduced heterozygosity does not affect natal dispersal in European roe deer. Oecologia, 117 (3): 631-643.
[6] Bonnot N., H. Verheyden-Tixier, P. Blanchard, J. Cote, L. Debeffe, B. Cargnelutti, F. Klein, A.J.M. Hewison, N. Morellet. 2015. Inter-individual variability in habitat use: evidence for a risk management syndrome in roe deer ? Behavioral Ecology, 26 (1): 105-114.
[5] Debeffe L., Focardi S., Bonenfant C., Hewison M., Morellet N., Vanpé C., Heurich M., Kjellander P., Linnell J. D. C., Mysterud A., Pellerin M., Sustr P., Urbano F. & Cagnacci F. 2014. A one night stand? Reproductive excursions of female roe deer as a breeding dispersal tactic. Oecologia, 176 (2): 431-443.
[4] Debeffe L., N. Morellet, N. Bonnot, J.M. Gaillard, B. Cargnelutti, H. Verheyden-Tixier, R. Bon, C. Vanpé, A. Coulon, J. Clobert, and A.J.M. Hewison. 2014. The link between behavioural types and natal dispersal reveals a dispersal syndrome in a large herbivore. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281 (1790): 20140873.
[3] Debeffe L., N. Morellet, H. Verheyden-Tixier, H. Host, J.M. Gaillard, B. Cargnelutti, D. Picot, J. Sevila and A.J.M. Hewison. 2014. Parasite load contributes to condition-dependent dispersal in a wild population of large herbivores. Oikos, 123: 1121–1125.
[2] Debeffe L., N. Morellet, B. Cargnelutti, B. Lourtet, A. Coulon, R. Bon, J.M. Gaillard, and A.J.M. Hewison. 2013. Exploration as a key component of natal dispersal: dispersers explore more than philopatric individuals in roe deer. Animal Behaviour, 86 (1): 143-151.

[1] Debeffe L., N. Morellet, B. Cargnelutti, B. Lourtet, R. Bon, J.M. Gaillard, and A.J.M. Hewison. 2012. Condition-dependent natal dispersal in a large herbivore: heavier animals show a greater propensity to disperse and travel further. Journal of Animal Ecology, 8I (6): 327-337.​

In revision and Submitted

Reviewing activities

Reviewer for Animal behaviour, Ecology and Evolution, Ecography, Ethology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Avian Ecology, Journal of Wildlife Management, Mammalian biology, PlosOne, Wildlife biology and Wildlife biology in practice
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